We are a group of volunteers with comprehensive sex education providing accurate, non-judgmental, confidential information about sexuality, gender, and relationships. We welcome calls from people of all ages with all types of questions around sex, sexual health, gender expression, identity, and the ways sex and sexuality can impact relationships. At SGR, we strive to provide fact-based information to assist each person receiving information in making choices and decisions that feel right for them.
Subjects we can address include: STIs, HIV, pregnancy and birth control, gender identity and expression, sexual variations, open relationships and different relationship styles, BDSM, sex work, anatomy and how your body works, and everything in-between.
You can calls us at 415-989-7374
We aim to be available from 12-9pm Pacific Time, Monday through Friday, but we aren’t always able to fill every shift. If we aren’t able to answer your call, please try calling back another shift.
We aim to help each caller receive an answer to their question. However, we are not a phone sex service and we do not accept calls of that nature. Volunteers will end calls that are abusive or inappropriate.
You can email us at questions@sgrhotline.org
We answer emails during open shifts, and strive to answer emails with 48 hours. We aren’t always able to staff every shift and answer every email promptly, and our volunteers may take up to a week or more for email responses.
SGR Hotline is the former switchboard of San Francisco Sex Information (SFSI). In 2019, we decided that in order to allow quality sex educator training and quality sex information services to continue, we would separate those departments into two organizations. SFSI focuses on training sex educators, and SGR focuses on providing sex information to individuals with questions.
San Francisco Sex Information is a sex information organization that started in 1972. The goal was to create an outlet to provide non-judgmental, fact-based information in a time when talking about sex and receiving non-judgmental information about sex was incredibly important and hard to come by. Over the years, SFSI grew into an organization with many passions, all related to continuing to provide sex information and support sex educators in developing their skills. Now, SFSI focuses on providing comprehensive sex educator training to individuals who can use that information to support their communities and clients.
SGR is an all-volunteer non-profit, and we're always looking to welcome new volunteers to staff our hotline, or support us in other ways. You do not need to work on our hotline to volunteer. Contact us to apply.
To volunteer on the hotline, we request that you have completed a program of sex education. These programs can include SFSI, AASECT certification, M.A. in Human Sexuality programs, Sexology programs, or any other comprehensive sex education training. If you have questions about whether your training or experience is a good fit, drop us a line at volunteer@sgrhotline.org.
We strive to create a welcoming environment. Our policy is to provide equal opportunity and access to all people inclusive of race, color, creed, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, socioeconomic status, age, or disability. We continually seek to build and maintain a community that reflects the rich diversity of our world.
We’d like to hear from you! Please contact rachel@sgrhotline.org or michael@sgrhotline.org.
Copyright © SGR Hotline. All rights reserved.